Jumping rope requires patience and practice to develop coordination. Start simple, keep bouts short and add in skills to over time to keep it fun and interesting.
Some ropes come with an adjustable function inside of the handle. These adjustments are really meant to be done one time. Adjusting over and over will compromise the component.
Start here before doing anything.
From “Eagle Pose” reach arms straight out in front of you. Tug on the back of your legs with the rope. Always start in ready position.
From ready position, swing your rope over your head, and stop it in front of you. No jumping. Swing it back over the other way and continue doing so until it feels easy and smooth. Next try “Swing, Wait, Jump”.
One swing, wait for the rope to hit the ground. Then jump over it while keeping arms relaxed (no whipping motion required)
Initially, very young jumpers (4-6) will typically progress from “Swing, WAIT, Jump” to this jumping style. The rope will spin slowly and taking resting bounces between each spin of the rope. Once your young jumper can perform 20 “Bunny Jumps” in a row, progress to the “Basic Bounce” (see video above)
Performing the “Basic Bounce” is the ultimate goal. This technique involves a fast spin of the rope (120-150 bpm) and only jumping one time for every spin (with no resting bounces between rope spins)
Hands should be near your hips, using mostly your wrists to spin the rope. This is a natural progression, so if you overuse your arms in the beginning, it’s “ok”. Run short practice sessions and come back often to practice.
1 of 3Only jump high enough to clear the jump rope.
2 of 3Keep your legs mostly straight with a slight bend on the landing. Avoid kicking your feet back or bending your knees too much.
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